Read In Another Language

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

You Must Give Love The Balance It Deserves...

Truthfully give love the balance it deserves...

Who says love is a smooth ride? No matter how much you and your spouse
have in common, and no matter how well you two know each other, if you have never wished you could insult the living daylight out of him/her; reject his/her call and not bother; ignore them for a few days and still be happy with yourself... Then one of you is either pretending, or one of you has an upper hand in the relationship. It's definitely not a balanced relationship...

You cannot achieve balance through the manipulation or intimidation of the other (or yourself) or by pretending everything is ok.

You achieve balance in your relationship by knowing what to do and what not to do, and being true to your vow to keep them, not because you are under ultimatums and threats, but because you love, you value being loved, and you respect love.

Blessings and more, to you and yours


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Don't Expect Love To Forgive You On Your Terms...

To feel frustrated about love not accepting your apology might be a sign that you are selfish

When you offend love, forgiveness might not be automatic merely because you have said sorry. And when forgiveness is given, it might not necessarily mean that love has healed from the pain caused by the offense. You must give love time to heal... You must be courageous enough to wait and see your seed of apology develop into an oasis of forgiveness and love.

To "wait and see" doesn't mean to sit idle waiting for a reaction merely because you said "I am sorry" once or twice... Get back into the path. Restore things to what they used to be - do what you know you are meant to do. Don't expect anything from the one you offended. Let them heal at their own pace, and if they let you, help them heal at a faster pace... But you musn't set time-lines for them.

Blessings and more, to you and yours


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Loving Can Be Easy, If...

Anytime the flaws of the one you love brings out the worst in you, it is a reminder, and you must be reminded, that you are as fallible as the one who you begrudge, as weak as the one you oppose, and as guilty as the one who you are bitter against.

But as we are patient with our loved ones and their flaws, we find ourselves learning lessons which help us become better people ourselves... We become more understanding, more friendly, more supportive, and indeed, more accommodating. When we transcend into this level of reality, loving becomes easy and much more selfless.

Sometimes, it's not about the flaws our spouses are dealing with, but about our impatience with them whenever those flaws manifest. No one does or should approve of imperfection, but we can learn to love an imperfect thing in a very perfect way, realising that no one is entirely weak, just as none of us is entirely strong.

And if we are able to make the appropriate measure of sacrifice necessary to keep our relationships going, we will be most blessed and honoured with the beauty that love provides. Think about it…

Blessings and more, to you and yours


Friday, June 7, 2013

Love Is Not That Easy To Find...

I've been sitting here, thinking of the nicest way to start this piece, and I cannot say that I have found a way not to tell it as it is. So I'm just going to tell it as it is...

I keep getting calls and messages about people breaking hearts and scarring souls, because of flaws which they could have dealt with if they were just a little more sensitive, understanding and patient. Much as I am not ready to break my silence on this issue, I must tell you, my friends, that LOVE IS NOT EASY TO FIND.

I don't care how beautiful or rich you are, and how many people of the opposite sex run after you per second, you might never know how miserable you will be without love till love walks out of your life. And if up till now you still think that love is like a pair of shoes you can put on and off as your colours permit, then you are either ignorant about this truth or suicidal... Because LOVE IS NOT THAT EASY TO FIND

And may I say this: Roses are red, but the thorns are green...

Love is not blind, people are just too hasty... Too hasty to see that the person they are in love with is not a perfect work. So they only position themselves to enjoy the good times, and are unprepared to endure the hard times. This is why we never hold on when the times get rough. We have so much to learn, and we must allow ourselves to learn the things we ought to...

Blessings and more, to you and yours.