Read In Another Language

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Friends Or Lovers? Define Your Relationship...

Don't allow anyone take you to the middle of the river before you realise that they cannot teach you how to swim. No one can even learn how to swim from the middle of the river. 

Define every relationship before you plunge in... Don't leave anything to chance, don't wait to see how things go, and don't wait for things to take shape before you define it.

There is a necessary definition for every stage of relationship. Never loose the import of any stage and don't allow yourself to be cajoled or bamboozled into any stage. Define what you are getting into: Why the calls? Why the text messages? Why the gifts? Why the lunch dates? Why the invitations? Why all the support...? Are you doing me a favour? Are you just being nice? Are you trying to bait me? Or are you trying to woo me?

Don't assume you know where something is headed when you can simply ask, and don't be in a hurry to accept an offer when you are not clear what price tag it bears.

If you ignore this warning, then you might be unwittingly intending the consequence of a hasty action. 
Friends or Lovers? Let it be your choice...

Be Wise... Be Blessed. 


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