Read In Another Language

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Love Does Not Bind... It Sets Free

Never take from love, anything that love is not willing to give (or is incapable of giving at that material time), and never give to love, anything that love is not willing to take (or incapable of taking at that material time). 

Never insist on a sacrifice that makes love less than what it is worth, no matter how greatly, deeply and passionately you desire that response. 

The obligation which love owes must not be held in derision, and it must not be used to derogate one in order to please the other.

Love will always put the other before itself, but that action stops being love, when it does not bring fulfillment and the joy that comes from knowing that good has been served. It thus becomes a ceremonial bondage... not love. Think about it.

Blessings and more


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