Read In Another Language

Monday, October 29, 2012

Love Pays Attention To Antecedents... It Doesn't Keep Record Of Wrongs

Indeed, love doesn't and shouldn't keep record of wrongs, but love must pay attention to antecedents in order to decipher when patterns are being formed, as this is one of the surest ways to preserve your relationship and sustain the traditions relating to your vows. 
So do not keep silent over a flaw or a weakness merely because your conscience is too weak to see that you are not keeping a record of wrongs. 
Sometimes people who have flaws in various areas of life, but do not know it, until you are able to point out to them what they have been doing, the season they do it and the effect it is having on the life you have chosen for your relationship to thrive in. 

Enjoy love... Protect your spouse. Pay attention to the antecedents and you will increase in love. But speak of flaws with gentleness and meekness of heart, knowing that you too have flaws... Flaws which might even be more damaging that the one you are complaining about. Think about it

Blessings and more, to you and yours. 


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